Monday, June 2, 2008

Iphone Killer...who knows...

Well, being the BB (that's short for BlackBerry) aficianado that I am, I usually keep up to date with all things BlackBerry. Well, it seems that RIM, the company who makes BlackBerry, is in the wroks of making a touchscreen/slider phone. If this is true, then RIM (in my opinion) would have sucessfully established itself as the leader in smartphone technology. Now, I am not a fan of the slider type phone, I am a full QWERTY keyboard guy myself but, I would welcome with open arms this new device. RIM is now accepting the fact that their brand of phone is appealing to teh "average joe" as well as the business executive. There have been many rumors to different devices coming out of RIM. Here is a link to RIMarkable, a noted BB site for upcoming events. Click here for the article about the new BB slider touchscreen.

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