Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Make sure the red light is on....

So, while I putting together a bed frame for my good friend Emily yesterday (sorry it took so long, I know the floor is not comfortable....), she had a request for me from another friend of ours. She questioned me about a video camera for recording a special occasion coming up. Now, being the guru that I am when it comes to electronics ( I do know about other things than Blackberrys), I decided to do some research to figure this out. First things first, you gotta make some decisions I want to record on DVD's or regualr much do I wanna do I wanna transfer my media off of the camera... and so on and so forth.

There are many camcorders out there on the market. When you find out what you need and how you wanna do, I will give you a site to go to where you can find out specs, reviews and all of the goodness that you need. That site is This is where I bless myself with a lot of the knowledge of electronics you can get reviews from people who actually have the certain product that you are looking for.

So in closing, yeah....I took the easy road...I sent you to another website....but it is a good one. You can accomplish a lot from reading the reviews on this site and come to your own decisions on what is best for you. So, happy recording!

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