Well, I am back....hopefully, I can keep this string along...be consistent. Last night, after I returned from taking my daughter to dance class, I started working on a couple of designs in Photoshop. I have the CS3 version...which does it job for me. Now, I don't use it to cut my head off and place it on other bodies although...I have done it on occasion..LOL...just for fun. Anyway, I did a couple of things, following a couple of tutorials on the web...(trying to self teach myself the in and outs of Photoshop...challenging but not impossible) and then I decided to redesign the logo that I created for SUB13 Enterprises, a company owned by my friend and Olympic medalist, David Oliver. The original one was okay but wasn't what I had envisioned for the logo in the beginning. Now, before I go any further, I am NOT a Photoshop expert...I just use my imagination and try to recreate using Photoshop. So after looking at the previous creation, I decided that I couldn't let that slide....kind of irked me to a point where I had to create another one. So after a couple of hours...about 2 to be exact, I finished it. Looks pretty good if you ask me, but I will probably critique it some more...take a peek and see if you like...let me know what you think...

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