Wednesday, December 31, 2008
It was only a matter of time...
Now, if you follow my blog or occasionally look at a post or know how much I like Blackberry. I like them so much that my wife constantly picks at me and tells me.."you know so much about them, you should work for them...." Well, I am now....sort of. I am now currently offering freedom from your high wireless bills and from overages fees from texting too much. Those dimes and nickels add up and then you wind up paying an insane amount of overages fees...ridiculous. Well, if you go to my website... , you can order a Blackberry or another phone if PDAs' are not your thing....and for 44.95 a month, you can have unlimited local and long distance (not just that local only unlimited), unlimited text, and unlimited night and weekends! If you need more information, contact me at to get more info. Trust me, in these hard times, overages fees are not what you need right now. Go to the website check out the phones, email me for more info!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Hope you had a good one...
So I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I know I did! Got a few gifts and gave a few in return. All in all, it was a good Christmas. My daughter got a Wii from her uncle so we spent the majority of the weekend playing that. Wii is a pretty good gaming system....not high on the graphics though but I enjoy it anyway. Had some of the family over to the house so we had a full one. After that nothing to much talk about. Excited about the New Year....enrolling back in school...doing a couple of other things...having President Elect Obama finally drop the "elect" off of his name...maybe taking up a small business venture with my brother...who knows. So I hope everyone is feeling the way I am...and is also excited about the new things to come in 2009. So until next year!!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Going to the 'Ship!!!
So throughout the NFL season, I was a part of a fantasy football league called the "Come Wit It" with my team being called the "Crackberry Titans" (go figure This would be the first year I was completely focused on being consistent and trying to win every game. I was a part of the "Come Wit It" league with a couple of guys that I know. Now, when it comes to competetion, these guys are serious! My draft started out okay not spectacular but, I was able to pick up a couple keys players and positional players at the correct time along the way. My number one point winner was the Tennessee Titans Defense. Every game I knew I could count on them for about 15-22 points a game. Another one I picked up was Steve Slaton...he really turned on the jets and started racking up fantasy points. LenDale White was another...he was a short yardage red zone beast with 15 TDs this year. So I made it to the playoffs as the 4 seed with a record of 9-5 (not bad for the crazy season we had..). The last game of the regular season I had to play a guy who was neck and neck with me till the final game of the week. He needed a couple of catches from his tight end to beat me....I ended up winning 82-81. The first week of the playoffs I was playing a familar foe...the same guy! This time, I spared him no mercy and spanked him. being succesful in this conquest, I went up aganist the #1 seed in the playoffs.....The Tomb of Boom. This guy hadnt lost in a couple of weeks. As I type this I am leading him 112-85. He only has one more player remaining to my fingers are crossed but looking at his track record, he is not going to score over 30 points. So I am going to the 'Ship to face a foe who crushed me a couple of weeks back....Team Herring. I suspect it will be a good game but who knows....its all a fantasy...
Crackberry Titans,
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Two Edge Designs: Sharp Ideas in a Dull World.
So if you came back or if you are just reading through...I said that I was gonna post something a little later on....well here it is. Two Edge Designs now has its own blog. I know you are probably thinking....he couldnt even keep up with one, how is he going to do two? Easy....stop being so lazy! Plus, now that I am going to be doing different designs and graphics for people, I wanted to kind of keep a record of what's being done in my company. You can visit us at to follow the blog. When you go to the page, you can read the reasons of why I keep the blog and see some of my work and hear about the adventures of starting up a graphic design business from the ground up. This particular one, Read This!, will still be active with things I find keep this one because I promise I will update it on the regular. (I promise!) So until next time....
Two Edge Designs
Starting to gain momementum..
So I am back. Over the past couple of days, I have been really trying to hone in my skills using Photoshop. Been working on a couple of and there. In early 2009, I will be be building the first website for SUB13 Enterprises so I am excited about that. Also in early 2009, Two Edge Designs should up and ready for business. I have decided that it will be a multi purpose graphic design business from CD covers to full fledged websites. I figured that I should be able to accomodate the average person who is looking for affordable graphic designs. We will see how that goes...and that will lead into my next post. Check back in 15 mins or so for that until next time.
SUB13 Enterprises,
Two Edge Designs
Friday, December 12, 2008
Memories...gotta love em'!
So, yesterday was an eventful day when concerning my past. I received emails, calls, and friend requests on Facebook from a couple of people that I had lost contact with. I got an email and call from my good old friend Katie Reed from high school. Funny story, I tried to recruit her for the US Navy when I was getting ready to go. So one day, when I was returning from processing, I saw her coming back from processing also....for the US Air Force!!! LOL! She is still in there and doing quite well if I do say so myself. She called me later on and we talked and reminisced about high school days among other things...whew..I am getting old..LOL! So, when I wake up this morning, I receive an email from my buddy from the Navy, Lamar Johnekins. he had just got back from Iraq and he got my voicemail that I had left him. He and his family are doing well and he told me that he would be coming back to Florida to be an instructor...good...cause being in Hawaii can cost money!!! So, I was able to get back in contact with him. Memories are great becasue they let us know how far we have come!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
New change...
I decided to change a couple of things on the blog...spruce it up a lil bit. Saw this template and thought it looked pretty here it is! Probably will blog some more later on until next time...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
New logo for SUB13 Enterprises.
Well, I am back....hopefully, I can keep this string consistent. Last night, after I returned from taking my daughter to dance class, I started working on a couple of designs in Photoshop. I have the CS3 version...which does it job for me. Now, I don't use it to cut my head off and place it on other bodies although...I have done it on occasion..LOL...just for fun. Anyway, I did a couple of things, following a couple of tutorials on the web...(trying to self teach myself the in and outs of Photoshop...challenging but not impossible) and then I decided to redesign the logo that I created for SUB13 Enterprises, a company owned by my friend and Olympic medalist, David Oliver. The original one was okay but wasn't what I had envisioned for the logo in the beginning. Now, before I go any further, I am NOT a Photoshop expert...I just use my imagination and try to recreate using Photoshop. So after looking at the previous creation, I decided that I couldn't let that slide....kind of irked me to a point where I had to create another one. So after a couple of hours...about 2 to be exact, I finished it. Looks pretty good if you ask me, but I will probably critique it some more...take a peek and see if you like...let me know what you think...

Two Edge Designs
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Back once again...
So I am back to blogging a lil bit...a couple of people asked me why the blog a sort of ceased and desisted...but that was a bit of procratination on my what...LOL. So the Blackberry is out and about. No, I dont have it...yet, but I was able to play with it extensively...and it is a very nice phone....the typing takes a lil time to get used to but once you do..just like typing on a full keyboard. The new Curve is out..looks like a killer....but I am stuck on getting that Storm. The holidays are approaching so I am hoping that everyone will get what they are looking for...I gotta wrap up some looses ends and then we will be done. I am gonna be blogging more often now. Got some projects that I must at least start here soon...going back to school....Devry Univ....gonna get a Bachelor's Degree in Technical Management with a focus on Networking Systems. (a long name...hopefully some long zeros behind it...LOL) Two Edge Designs is still in the startup phase...made some logos and a vid or two but still trying to master the whole Photoshop thing...I am getting the hang of expect to see some of that work posted up on here....well until next time...(that feels good to say that..)
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