Monday, September 15, 2008

Another one...converted!!!!

So I talk about Blackberry so much that some people think I either work or should go to work for them. Well, I have converted another smartphone user to the BB family. My wife's friend, Emily, was hooked on her Palm Treo..(for what reason, I dont know...touchscreen, I guess) and she said that she would never convert over...but that didnt stop me. I would talk to her about BB all of the time....make fun of her extremely large phone aka "The remote control" and etc. (It is an election year, so yes, I used a little "mudslinging" to help my cause.) So thanks to me and the incredible deals that Sprint is giving out (practically giving them and other reasons...(Emily knows what I am talking about!!!), She is going to be the proud new owner of a Pearl! Now she is a part of the "Crackberry" family. Welcome....(insert evil genius

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay so maybe I have converted but you better believe if the pearl isn't up to par i will spare no hesitation in switching back to my treo, i already know i'm gonna miss my touchscreen and miss one letter per button, i haven't figured out what this bb can do that my treo couldn't... i don't see what all the hype is about???