Wednesday, December 31, 2008
It was only a matter of time...
Now, if you follow my blog or occasionally look at a post or know how much I like Blackberry. I like them so much that my wife constantly picks at me and tells me.."you know so much about them, you should work for them...." Well, I am now....sort of. I am now currently offering freedom from your high wireless bills and from overages fees from texting too much. Those dimes and nickels add up and then you wind up paying an insane amount of overages fees...ridiculous. Well, if you go to my website... , you can order a Blackberry or another phone if PDAs' are not your thing....and for 44.95 a month, you can have unlimited local and long distance (not just that local only unlimited), unlimited text, and unlimited night and weekends! If you need more information, contact me at to get more info. Trust me, in these hard times, overages fees are not what you need right now. Go to the website check out the phones, email me for more info!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Hope you had a good one...
So I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I know I did! Got a few gifts and gave a few in return. All in all, it was a good Christmas. My daughter got a Wii from her uncle so we spent the majority of the weekend playing that. Wii is a pretty good gaming system....not high on the graphics though but I enjoy it anyway. Had some of the family over to the house so we had a full one. After that nothing to much talk about. Excited about the New Year....enrolling back in school...doing a couple of other things...having President Elect Obama finally drop the "elect" off of his name...maybe taking up a small business venture with my brother...who knows. So I hope everyone is feeling the way I am...and is also excited about the new things to come in 2009. So until next year!!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Going to the 'Ship!!!
So throughout the NFL season, I was a part of a fantasy football league called the "Come Wit It" with my team being called the "Crackberry Titans" (go figure This would be the first year I was completely focused on being consistent and trying to win every game. I was a part of the "Come Wit It" league with a couple of guys that I know. Now, when it comes to competetion, these guys are serious! My draft started out okay not spectacular but, I was able to pick up a couple keys players and positional players at the correct time along the way. My number one point winner was the Tennessee Titans Defense. Every game I knew I could count on them for about 15-22 points a game. Another one I picked up was Steve Slaton...he really turned on the jets and started racking up fantasy points. LenDale White was another...he was a short yardage red zone beast with 15 TDs this year. So I made it to the playoffs as the 4 seed with a record of 9-5 (not bad for the crazy season we had..). The last game of the regular season I had to play a guy who was neck and neck with me till the final game of the week. He needed a couple of catches from his tight end to beat me....I ended up winning 82-81. The first week of the playoffs I was playing a familar foe...the same guy! This time, I spared him no mercy and spanked him. being succesful in this conquest, I went up aganist the #1 seed in the playoffs.....The Tomb of Boom. This guy hadnt lost in a couple of weeks. As I type this I am leading him 112-85. He only has one more player remaining to my fingers are crossed but looking at his track record, he is not going to score over 30 points. So I am going to the 'Ship to face a foe who crushed me a couple of weeks back....Team Herring. I suspect it will be a good game but who knows....its all a fantasy...
Crackberry Titans,
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Two Edge Designs: Sharp Ideas in a Dull World.
So if you came back or if you are just reading through...I said that I was gonna post something a little later on....well here it is. Two Edge Designs now has its own blog. I know you are probably thinking....he couldnt even keep up with one, how is he going to do two? Easy....stop being so lazy! Plus, now that I am going to be doing different designs and graphics for people, I wanted to kind of keep a record of what's being done in my company. You can visit us at to follow the blog. When you go to the page, you can read the reasons of why I keep the blog and see some of my work and hear about the adventures of starting up a graphic design business from the ground up. This particular one, Read This!, will still be active with things I find keep this one because I promise I will update it on the regular. (I promise!) So until next time....
Two Edge Designs
Starting to gain momementum..
So I am back. Over the past couple of days, I have been really trying to hone in my skills using Photoshop. Been working on a couple of and there. In early 2009, I will be be building the first website for SUB13 Enterprises so I am excited about that. Also in early 2009, Two Edge Designs should up and ready for business. I have decided that it will be a multi purpose graphic design business from CD covers to full fledged websites. I figured that I should be able to accomodate the average person who is looking for affordable graphic designs. We will see how that goes...and that will lead into my next post. Check back in 15 mins or so for that until next time.
SUB13 Enterprises,
Two Edge Designs
Friday, December 12, 2008
Memories...gotta love em'!
So, yesterday was an eventful day when concerning my past. I received emails, calls, and friend requests on Facebook from a couple of people that I had lost contact with. I got an email and call from my good old friend Katie Reed from high school. Funny story, I tried to recruit her for the US Navy when I was getting ready to go. So one day, when I was returning from processing, I saw her coming back from processing also....for the US Air Force!!! LOL! She is still in there and doing quite well if I do say so myself. She called me later on and we talked and reminisced about high school days among other things...whew..I am getting old..LOL! So, when I wake up this morning, I receive an email from my buddy from the Navy, Lamar Johnekins. he had just got back from Iraq and he got my voicemail that I had left him. He and his family are doing well and he told me that he would be coming back to Florida to be an instructor...good...cause being in Hawaii can cost money!!! So, I was able to get back in contact with him. Memories are great becasue they let us know how far we have come!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
New change...
I decided to change a couple of things on the blog...spruce it up a lil bit. Saw this template and thought it looked pretty here it is! Probably will blog some more later on until next time...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
New logo for SUB13 Enterprises.
Well, I am back....hopefully, I can keep this string consistent. Last night, after I returned from taking my daughter to dance class, I started working on a couple of designs in Photoshop. I have the CS3 version...which does it job for me. Now, I don't use it to cut my head off and place it on other bodies although...I have done it on occasion..LOL...just for fun. Anyway, I did a couple of things, following a couple of tutorials on the web...(trying to self teach myself the in and outs of Photoshop...challenging but not impossible) and then I decided to redesign the logo that I created for SUB13 Enterprises, a company owned by my friend and Olympic medalist, David Oliver. The original one was okay but wasn't what I had envisioned for the logo in the beginning. Now, before I go any further, I am NOT a Photoshop expert...I just use my imagination and try to recreate using Photoshop. So after looking at the previous creation, I decided that I couldn't let that slide....kind of irked me to a point where I had to create another one. So after a couple of hours...about 2 to be exact, I finished it. Looks pretty good if you ask me, but I will probably critique it some more...take a peek and see if you like...let me know what you think...

Two Edge Designs
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Back once again...
So I am back to blogging a lil bit...a couple of people asked me why the blog a sort of ceased and desisted...but that was a bit of procratination on my what...LOL. So the Blackberry is out and about. No, I dont have it...yet, but I was able to play with it extensively...and it is a very nice phone....the typing takes a lil time to get used to but once you do..just like typing on a full keyboard. The new Curve is out..looks like a killer....but I am stuck on getting that Storm. The holidays are approaching so I am hoping that everyone will get what they are looking for...I gotta wrap up some looses ends and then we will be done. I am gonna be blogging more often now. Got some projects that I must at least start here soon...going back to school....Devry Univ....gonna get a Bachelor's Degree in Technical Management with a focus on Networking Systems. (a long name...hopefully some long zeros behind it...LOL) Two Edge Designs is still in the startup phase...made some logos and a vid or two but still trying to master the whole Photoshop thing...I am getting the hang of expect to see some of that work posted up on here....well until next time...(that feels good to say that..)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Getting closer...gotta get my 'umbrella"...
So I was browsing the Crackberry site and another video review came up and it shows a little more detail to the up and coming Blackberry Storm that we are all anxiously awaiting. The suspected release date is around the 15th of November. (If true, I will always remember November of 2008 as the best month ever!!!) Also after looking at some articles that pertaining to looks like it is going to be around $499.00...but thats before retailers get all the discounts and price rebates back...just a rumor least is gives you a price range.. So without futher ado, check out the video...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
History was made last night as Barack Obama was elected to become the 44th president of the United States of America. The reason for the title kinda conjoins two events yesterday...Election Day and the results and the release of AT&T Blackberry Bold (this event pales in comparison though...) The events do have some similarities....there were setbacks, advances, claims of change, bold proclimations and long awaited arrival by all. You know I had to tie in the Blackberry with the Election. I am truly humbled at the fact that what "they" said would never happen finally has... What Crispus Attucks bled and died for..what Martin Luther King Jr and countless other faced death for...we are now realizing. I was really moved by what happened yesterday. My vote was placed in Orange County, FL, a highly contested part of Florida, which Barack eventually won on his way to victory in in essence my vote did everybody else. I pray blessing on President Obama (like how that sounds), his family, Joe Biden and his family, and all of the US. I pray for a shield of protection to surround him and his staff as moves forward with the monumental task of correcting all that is wrong in our country now. GOD BLESS BARACK AND THE USA!!!!!!!!!!
Barack Obama,
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sweet and sentiments exactly...
Now, I dont usually use the blog to talk about that much private stuff....'cause I know that can get boring...LOL...but I will let you in a 'lil bit. I was at McDonalds with the kids getting them some happy meals and to pick me up some greasy goodness. So I purchase everything and roll up to the second window. Now, I know I am strange, but I like to dip my fries in sweet and sour sauce...just like anybody else. So when I ask the attendant for the sauce, she charges me 11 cents for ONE packet...I couldnt dip one nugget in that packet...sheesh!!! Her reasoning...because I didn't order any nuggets...I had to pay. Now, the effects of the economy are hitting my pocket....LOL. I guess that's the price I have I have to pay....
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I told you...
So I am finally posting something on the site...been real lazy about posting stuff...and halfway waiting on something to really pop back on to the scene with...well....I got it. This video came from my good friends at and they posted it. This is a video that pretty much shows the user interfacwe and features for the new Blackberry Storm. I mean this is really the closest that you will be able to get to it without bugging your local Verizon Wireless rep to see it...(they probably have it in For those who have played with a iPhone, look at this video and see all of the things that you thought only could be done on it and look at the Blackberry Storm do it and do it well... There really nothing else to say about it other than....ENJOY!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sleepin on yall!!!
So I have been sleepin' on yall....majorly! I mean I havent posted anything on the blog in a couple of weeks. My computer has been down...doing some maintenence on it for the arrival of Two Edge will hear about that later.... I mean there has been so much news about the Storm, it is ridiculous. I mean there are mad videos about the release, even some commercial about it's impending arrival. This phone is going to do wonders. People are going to finally realize that BB is the KING!!! Now, I have also comes to the realization that just as the saying goes....different strokes for different folks...same goes with phones. Some people are just gona like the iPhone better than a Blackberry and vice versa....I mean I am not gonna stop proclaiming my love for Blackberry across the world but, I know some people will not convert....or will not stop missing thier old phone after they do....(cough, cough...Emily) but hey....thats how the world works. I will post some new info on the Storm later on tonight....THIS PHONE IS THE M#!$_@$(@!$ TRUF!!! (yeah I know I spelled it with a "F"..thats how gangsta it is...)
Two Edge Designs
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Take the world by STORM!!!!!!
All I got to say is... IN YOUR FACE!!!!!
Shout out to for the post!!!! I mean they are the BEST!!!!
IPHONE USERS look away!!!!!
Shout out to for the post!!!! I mean they are the BEST!!!!
IPHONE USERS look away!!!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Another one...converted!!!!
So I talk about Blackberry so much that some people think I either work or should go to work for them. Well, I have converted another smartphone user to the BB family. My wife's friend, Emily, was hooked on her Palm Treo..(for what reason, I dont know...touchscreen, I guess) and she said that she would never convert over...but that didnt stop me. I would talk to her about BB all of the time....make fun of her extremely large phone aka "The remote control" and etc. (It is an election year, so yes, I used a little "mudslinging" to help my cause.) So thanks to me and the incredible deals that Sprint is giving out (practically giving them and other reasons...(Emily knows what I am talking about!!!), She is going to be the proud new owner of a Pearl! Now she is a part of the "Crackberry" family. Welcome....(insert evil genius
Emily Pugh,
Is it here?....

So yesterday or Saturday, I really dont know when it was actually released but I thought I would post something about it...
There is an advert from Verizon that is hinting at something big being released today....and if you look at it, it would kind of suspect that VZW is getting ready to introduce the world to the Storm...the BB touchscreen. You be the judge but we shall know a little bit more later on today supposedly. (Dont get to happy though, AT&T has introduced the Bold a couple of months back, and it is still not here.) Take a look at the advert....
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Blackberry gone WILD!!! Caught on Tape!!!
So I just posted something about the Blackberry Pearl Flip being officially announced....well, I am back again with some more BB News...LOL! I was reading on about the release of the Pearl Flip and I kept scrolling down and there was a post and video about the Blackberry Thunder (Storm) in action!! I couldn't resist (even though I am at work...LOL). So I pulled it up and a tear almost came to my eye....seriously. This phone is magnificent....and it looks so good. The guy doing the post is not a BB fan so I tried to block out his negativity focused on the phone. The accelerometer is on point...I mean 360 degree rotation and the phone is on point! The haptic technology is shown in full force in the video also. I for one am ecstatic about the "double click" to reduce confusion. The interface looks similar to the Bold( another BB phone to be released soon) Operating System. Now, this guy is either trying to protect his job at one of the many tech places that receives pre releases for BETA testing or he made this video right after one of the Al Jezeera terrorist videos....I don't know...LMAO!!! Nevertheless, his negativity can't deter me from drooling after this phone....I will get soon as the wife says it is okay....or the Curve turns two years old...only 14 more months until that... Check out the vid amazed!!!
Remember....this is probably a BETA version of this phone so some of the features are not as smooth as they should be but this will all probably be worked out before the final release.
Shout-out to Kev! He always got the hotness when it comes to new info!
Remember....this is probably a BETA version of this phone so some of the features are not as smooth as they should be but this will all probably be worked out before the final release.
Shout-out to Kev! He always got the hotness when it comes to new info!
Blackberry Pearl FLIP...officially announced....
So if you follow my blog, you know that I try to keep you informed about all things Blackberry. Well, over the past couple of weeks, I have been telling you that RIM, the parent company, was going to start branching out and releasing more "consumer-friendly" phones....well, that day is TODAY!!! The Blackberry Pearl Flip...also known to us as the 8220, Kickstart, and Pearl 2...has been released! You can go to Blackberry official release site here for a view of the features and functions. I am telling you now....this phone is going to be selling like hotcakes!!! A flip phone with a trackball, and the ability to browse the internet, recieve email, listen to MP3's, record video, and use BB Messenger....I might get one. Once again, RIM shows its versatility by releasing another phone specifically for a target demographic, not just business people but everyone!!!
Shout out to Kevin and the whole Crackberry staff for this info!
Shout out to Kevin and the whole Crackberry staff for this info!
flip phone,
Monday, September 8, 2008
Virtual Playbook...ESPN 1, The other networks 0.

So I am getting ready for church in the morning and I am watching ESPN Sunday NFL Countdown and was amazed... ESPN has stepped up their game. They have implemented this new feature called "Virtual Playbook" into the analysis of the game...they started using "virtual 3D representations" of players (from Madden 2009) to critique certain aspects of the game. Me, for one,...I am all for it. It was so cool to see the virtual players go into motion and the guys from ESPN move in between them and show you the in depth view of what needs to happen here and why. This truly is a much appreciated aspect of the show. The feature is supposed to be used in different spots on ESPN and may branch out to different sports such as basketball and soccer. EA Sports is the developer of this new component and the early reviews are definitely positive. I for one, am very impressed and I am looking forward to seeing this again and again and again.
Madden 2009,
Friday, September 5, 2008
A Storm is brewing.....
So, I have been following this for awhile and I didnt want to say too much about this until I got more word...but it looks like it is really coming. The Blackberry Storm (Thunder) is now at Verizon Technical Acceptance department which means that some bugs are being worked out of the final product and is being it is coming. I, being a T-Mobile user, is kind of upset because it is coming out on Verizon exclusively but as a Blackberry lover, I cant be more excited. Wait until this phone hit the market. It will officially put iPhone on the fast track to the bottom. If this phone is anything like they say it will be....RIM will be the number 1 smartphone out there. PERIOD.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
New to the blogging thing....
So, I was inspired to blog by a couple of people and I guess I have inspired a couple of people to start one also. The first one is my mother's. I spoke on this one a couple of days back but she is a very religious woman of God and she will be giving you the spiritual keys needed to unlock some of the things in your life. So make sure that you take a look at that in the upcoming days and weeks to follow. She always has good information to spread around. (I created the header for her blog!)
The other one is from my good friend, Emily. She will be telling the world about her endeavors and encounters in her life. It should be a very good blog to read so be ready for that. The first post is hitting on something that everybody is already probably go check it out. ( I will be creating a header for her also!)
The links to these blogs will be listed under the Other Blogs section! ENJOY!
The other one is from my good friend, Emily. She will be telling the world about her endeavors and encounters in her life. It should be a very good blog to read so be ready for that. The first post is hitting on something that everybody is already probably go check it out. ( I will be creating a header for her also!)
The links to these blogs will be listed under the Other Blogs section! ENJOY!
Emily Pugh,
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Johnnie B....The Next Big Thing...
So every once and a while, I let yall into my inner sanctum and see a part of me and what I like..(Other than Blackberrys!!!) Well, this is my dude(no homo!)...we were in the Navy together and he was an aspiring artist. His name is Johnnie B...and I think that if given the chance, he will the next biggest artist in the concious rap/soul genre. I am serious. This guy has susbstance to his raps and not just fantasy.... He is take a peek at one of his videos. I know it is kind of long but just listen to the will touch you....seriously.
If you wanna get at him, check out his MySpace page. Search "Johnnie B"! Holla!
If you wanna get at him, check out his MySpace page. Search "Johnnie B"! Holla!
So last night, My wife and I went to the Tom Joyner Famliy Reunion at the Gaylord Palms to attend a concert. It was really nice. It was a gangload of BLACK PEOPLE!!! I mean the Gaylord Palms has a huge convention center and it was jam packed with black people! Al Green was the headliner and The Dazz Band, Confunksion, The BarKays and others were there to perform. Al Green still got it! They had some pretty good comedians there...Mark Curry of Hanging wit' Mr. Cooper was there. All in all, it was a good time. Just thought I would gloat just a little bit....LOL!
Al Green,
Black People,
Gaylord Palms,
Tom Joyner
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Make sure the red light is on....
So, while I putting together a bed frame for my good friend Emily yesterday (sorry it took so long, I know the floor is not comfortable....), she had a request for me from another friend of ours. She questioned me about a video camera for recording a special occasion coming up. Now, being the guru that I am when it comes to electronics ( I do know about other things than Blackberrys), I decided to do some research to figure this out. First things first, you gotta make some decisions I want to record on DVD's or regualr much do I wanna do I wanna transfer my media off of the camera... and so on and so forth.
There are many camcorders out there on the market. When you find out what you need and how you wanna do, I will give you a site to go to where you can find out specs, reviews and all of the goodness that you need. That site is This is where I bless myself with a lot of the knowledge of electronics you can get reviews from people who actually have the certain product that you are looking for.
So in closing, yeah....I took the easy road...I sent you to another website....but it is a good one. You can accomplish a lot from reading the reviews on this site and come to your own decisions on what is best for you. So, happy recording!
There are many camcorders out there on the market. When you find out what you need and how you wanna do, I will give you a site to go to where you can find out specs, reviews and all of the goodness that you need. That site is This is where I bless myself with a lot of the knowledge of electronics you can get reviews from people who actually have the certain product that you are looking for.
So in closing, yeah....I took the easy road...I sent you to another website....but it is a good one. You can accomplish a lot from reading the reviews on this site and come to your own decisions on what is best for you. So, happy recording!
Friday, August 22, 2008
I am back again...
Well, after watching the olympics faithfully for almost 2 weeks straight, I am finnaly back to the blog. My homie, D.O. won the bronze medal in the 110m hurdles, so I was happy about that. He promoted me to Technical Director of TEAM D.O. so I was glad about that...(I actually just made that position up. LOL!!!) So in the meantime, I have been meesing around with 3d animation software so I will be updating some stuff like that but otherwise here is whats going on...
-D.O. got the Bronze so we gotta celebrate that!!!
-Blackberry said that the Thunder(touchscreen) should be coming out in late October...
-US Track and Field really disappointed me as a whole (how can you drop the baton??)
-Last comment does not apply to D.O., David Payne, Terrence Trammell, Kenta Bell, Walter Dix, and TRW....because I said so!!!!
-My wife got me the new Madden 2009 for the 360 so I have been wearing that out... Go Titans!
-Football is now going to become the center of my existence for 17 weeks....LOL
Other than that, I am just doing my part in informing you about all things technological. Hit me up with a request or question and I will do my darndest to answer it. Shoot, this is an interactive blog, so be active...maybe, I should follow my own advice...LOL!. So be on the lookout for new stuff, videos, and all around good stuff.
P.S. My mother is starting a blog. I will feature it on "My featured blogs" located on the side. So if you havent been going to church, at least read the blog...get some of your religion back...LOL
-D.O. got the Bronze so we gotta celebrate that!!!
-Blackberry said that the Thunder(touchscreen) should be coming out in late October...
-US Track and Field really disappointed me as a whole (how can you drop the baton??)
-Last comment does not apply to D.O., David Payne, Terrence Trammell, Kenta Bell, Walter Dix, and TRW....because I said so!!!!
-My wife got me the new Madden 2009 for the 360 so I have been wearing that out... Go Titans!
-Football is now going to become the center of my existence for 17 weeks....LOL
Other than that, I am just doing my part in informing you about all things technological. Hit me up with a request or question and I will do my darndest to answer it. Shoot, this is an interactive blog, so be active...maybe, I should follow my own advice...LOL!. So be on the lookout for new stuff, videos, and all around good stuff.
P.S. My mother is starting a blog. I will feature it on "My featured blogs" located on the side. So if you havent been going to church, at least read the blog...get some of your religion back...LOL
David Oliver,
Monday, August 11, 2008
D.O. and am good...
What's good, people? Well, the Olympics have started and I have been watching them faithfully since the Opening Ceremonies. The USA has been kicking some hindparts and the real events (or at least the ones I am waiting on) havent started yet. In the meanwhile, I still browse my "digital newspaper" sites that I go on daily and found a pic of David with the Crackberry while on his way to practice so I decided to get my boy some much needed pub (since everybody else is pretty much overlooking him). I emailed Kevin over at and showed him the pic. He immediately put it up on the site...FRONT PAGE STATUS!!! I was estatic about that and D.O. was happy also. Here is the link to D.O.'s Crackberry page post.
David Oliver,
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Flowberry....Change the game up!
So while I am waiting for the Olympics to get started, I decided it was time to change the game up when it came to the Curve. With a Blackberry, you can change the way that your Blackberry screen looks and operates. There are millions of them out there. Go to to learn more about themes. Anyways, I updated the Curve to the new Flowberry theme. I like it because my most used icons are there on the front page and I can scroll from left to right and have access to them all. I cant change the icons but that really doesnt bother me as much as I thought it would well. Take a peek at the video to see what my phone looks like now(without the gay purple background...LOL). Shout out to Bplay for offering this theme.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I can take it all with me...literally!

Well, being the righteous dude that I am (yeah, I said righteous, I am bringing it back!!!!), I decided that I would let you guys in on my new favorite program, Orb. Now, have you ever been somewhere and thought that you saved an important paper to your flash drive...only to find out that it didn't save to it? Have you been at a friend's house and you want to show them pics of your latest vacation but you don't have the camera with you? I know I have been in this situation quite a bit. Now there is software out there that will allow you to "remote access" to your computer from another one but that can get pretty expensive....well, fear not, my computer savvy friends, THERE IS ORB!!!!! Orb is a free remote access program that will allow you to access videos, pics, documents, and even webcams and live TV* from your personal PC from any PC, Internet-enabled PDA/Smart phone( in my case Blackberry), Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, etc! Now, I have tried this out for a couple of days now and I love it!!! I have already used it numerous amounts of times to help me at work and in my spare time...if I have any. It is a very easy to configure and learn program and it is great!!! In my opinion, this is probably the best program I have found online that is free EVER! So go to, check them out.
I know you appreciate the knowledge that I impart on no need to thank me..LMAO!
*Dependant on if you have a TV tuner card.
**Your phone has to have the ability to stream the website and they will tell you...
media streaming,
remote access,
Xbox 360
Kickstart: Video review
I was browsing on (the best site for new info on BB's) and came across this video review of the new flip Blackberry....that's right I said flip Blackberry. From what I can see, this is gonna be huge for RIM. A flip screen Blackberry...looks better than the Pearl to me...
Yeah thats whats up....I am gonna cop that for my wife...Sell her Pearl, add the funds to the savings for the Thunder!!!! Shout out to Kevin for the review.
Yeah thats whats up....I am gonna cop that for my wife...Sell her Pearl, add the funds to the savings for the Thunder!!!! Shout out to Kevin for the review.
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Dark Knight = AWESOME!
So this Saturday, I had practically beg the wife to come to the movie to see the Dark Knight with me. She is a chick flick type of girl (as are 99% percent of them are) and I am an action flick guy so you understand my struggle. She complained for the whole previews but when the opening scence came on....both of our jaws dropped. I mean this movie was great! From the acting to the way they tied the first movie so eloqeuntly together. Heath Ledger really did his thing in this movie. I mean from watching the cartoon as a child and reading the comics also, he really embodied the real essence of The Joker. The plot twist and suprises were a welcome change. Overall, this was the best movie I have seen all year. Go see it if you havent yet.
Heath Ledger,
The Dark Knight
Been a while..
Well, it has been a while since I have posted on the blog. I have been procrastinating....AKA being lazy when it comes to blogging on items I know you love to read about. I started off good then decreased from there on in. I have realized that and now I am going to resume my nearly daily posts about technology and the world around me so keep checking back...more new things to come.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Apple sold a million iPhones!!!
Now, given that there are over about 300 million people in the USA, this seems like a small number in comparison but it is still amazing. Apple sold a million iPhones in 3 days! Being a Blackberry fiend that I am, I am still amazed that they sold that many phones. Truly, Steve Jobs is trying to solidify Apple's place in the smartphone realm. I mean I will never buy an iPhone but I have to give props where it is due. Anyway, I believe that they know that Blackberry is coming out with a touchscreen and they are going to try and saturate the market before "The Real Deal Holyfield" shows up aka The Blackberry Thunder....
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
So I got a new program on my computer, ULEAD 3D Studio and that is how I create headers and other 3d graphics for different things. I am getting pretty good at it and I am learning a lot everyday about what I can do for it. I might even start a lil' side business making 3d logos and what not. I mean you can do a lot and add a whole bunch of effects to a simple pic or text line. In the mean time, I am working on a header for Brianna Glenn's blog so be on the lookout for that. I will try and post some more of my ideas and vids on here. I got a slip and slide vid that you must see. So until next time....
p.s. to see an example of my work, go to to see the header I created for him.
p.s. to see an example of my work, go to to see the header I created for him.
Monday, July 7, 2008
I am back....
So it has been a while since I have written on my blog. Got a lot of stuff on my plate but I will but doing some more writing cause I know you want it. My friend DO, just made the Olympic team so I was all hype about that. He is a great example of what a little hardwork can do for you. From the bottom to the top.... Well, be on the lookout for stuff from my blog...articles, reviews, vids, and much are gonna want to "Read THIS!!!!"
Friday, June 27, 2008
Good Luck, David! Wait a minute...No luck needed...
My good friend, David "The King" Oliver, will be competeting for a spot on the U.S. Olympic team next weekend in Eugene, Oregon at the U.S. Olympic Trials. He is a 110 m hurdler and he is the one in the header above (Look below for reason why header is there..) He has run three of the four fastest times in the world this year and looks like he is right on track to make the team. So check him out...the trials come on NBC next weekend. Good Luck.....wait a luck needed when you working with skill.... So until next time...
David Oliver,
Track and Field,
Alcohol and Rapping...can lose you your badge!
So I was reading on the World Wide Web...and I came across another article about Shaq and the infamous "rap". Since this tape has materialized...he has lost 2 law enforcement positions! All of that are interested in sports and watch Sportscenter know that Shaq is crazy about law crazy about it that he is a deputy in several cities...that was until the "rap". Now, I am gonna assume that Shaq was a little intoxicated when he grabbed the I can't blame him for that but he probably shouldn't have asked Kobe how his A$# taste. I mean, lyrically, he was alright....nice rhthym, no stuttering...but now it has cost two badges and possibly some more. When you are a celebrity, you got to be more concious about what you say and do now a days because you never know who has a camera or camera phone...waiting to make a quick buck. So now I guess celebrities will be more careful...wait a minute...they are celebrities...they dont care what I think... So until next time..
Still working....
Well, I was able to put the same header that I have above on D.O. page. Looks good.. and he gave me a shout out. I am still doing some things with the video...almost finished...just gotta upload it. So I should be back to posting here soon. People have requested headers also so I am going to look in to that. Hit me up if you are interested.... So until next time...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Just making a post to say that I have sucessfully moved my the created image to my header!!! Although this is not my header( I actually created this one for my friend, D.O.!) mine is soon to come. Now that this is accomplished, I can finally concentrate on the Mission 12.85 video. Please believe me it is coming...
Monday, June 23, 2008
Well...check it out..
Well, I have been absent from posting here but, I have been working on some things. If you look below, you can see the .gif image I created for my friend, David Oliver. I am also working on a video for him also. I will post it when I get a chance. I am still going to be posting things on here but until I finish that, it will be sparingly. I am going to be doing a site of the day for suggested by Emily Pugh so be on the lookut for that. Hey if you like the image below let me know...So until next time...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Blackberry Flips Out!!!
Hey, good people! I am back. I was on a cruise for a couple of days with the wife celebrating my anniversary. Had a good time with her and now I am back at work. So looking at the title, you would assume that I was going to rant about something that Blackberry has did wrong...not necessarily. RIM is in the works of releasing a flip phone...that's right a flip phone. According to, RIM is in the last stages of development of a flip phone. In essence, it is a Pearl with a bigger screen that flips. It looks good and has SureType technology, no full keyboard but the, trackball, and etc. This is going to be a winner because it will appeal to the average consumer who likes flip phones. I am assuming that it will use the same OS that all Blackberry loyalists are accustomed to. I am excited but, not for me...for my wife. She held onto her 7100t until it started to die. She told me she was interested in it and so maybe if it is out next year around this time...anniversary gift??? Man, I am good. :) Click HERE for a link to the actual article from So until next time...
Shoutout out to for all of the info. Check out thier website for all your BB needs.
Shoutout out to for all of the info. Check out thier website for all your BB needs.
flip phone,
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Site of the Day: YouMail
I heard about this site before but, never thought about using it. So let me give you the back story, I was receiving a lot of voicemail for solicitors and everything and contrary to popular belief, putting your name on that list does not guarantee that they will not call you. Another thing is that T-Mobile and most other service providers charge you anytime minutes to check your voicemail. (Bet you didn't know that...) Another facet of this problem was the new OS that I loaded to my phone. Because it wasn't the final release, one of the bugs with the T-Mobile OS is no voicemail icon when VM's are received. No big deal though but I would like when I am receiving VM from important people like the family, friends, and etc. Well, fast forward to today....The site of the day is YouMail. They way YouMail works is that they forward all of your voicemail to the specialized inbox. This gives you the ability to check your voicemail from anywhere, that includes a PC, a Blackberry, or any other type of PDA the capability to browse the Internet. If your phone has the ability to have email "pushed" to it, then you can receive emails that will let you know the name and number that called. Other features of YouMail are custom greetings for individuals, Ditchmail (a wonderful feature for people that you don't wanna leave a voicemail or better yet call you back...), and etc. The best thing about this is that the price is FREE!!! You cancel at anytime and signing up for this service does not mess with your regular voicemail so there are no worries about that. Here is the link to YouMail's website. So until next time....
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
100 Visitors....
Well, just wanted to write a quick post to say thank you for all of the visitors to my site. I will promise to add more interesting topics...So until next time...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
More proof that Apple = HYPE.

So, you wanna know the cut and dry of things when comparing the iPhone to the new Blackberry Bold? You wanna see who comes out on top? Look at this side by side comparison to RIM's Blackberry Bold vs. Apple 3G iPhone. Read and weep, iPhone lovers....your phone will never be as good as ours....just an iPod with the capability make a phone call or two.
Shout out to hayden from PinStack for making this comparison chart...
Is the end of Blackberry near? HECK NO!!!!
So I knew it was going to happen. Apple released the iPhone with 3G capability and a reduced price now everybody is saying that RIM is gonna to fall and keel over dead. I am thinking to myself....are YOU CRAZY!!! I mean granted the price reduction will cause a little more competition with Blackberry in the smart phone category but, I don't see it stopping Blackberry from continuing its reign as the dominant smart phone. To me the iPhone just doesn't do it, I mean no copy and paste function, NO VIDEO RECORDING, and a whole lot of hoopla..that I don't want to deal with. I mean it is a toy to me where as the Blackberry is a business tool that can be molded to your specific needs. I mean you can change themes, ring tones, load programs that increase your productivity, and so on and so forth. All RIM has to do is step up to the plate when it comes to OS production, and 3rd party software development, and other things...but by NO MEANS NECESSARY is RIM dead. DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE!!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
8320 with that video record!!! Finally!!!
So, like I do every day, I go to all of my websites on my list (my digital newspaper) and I was reading and noticed that some new OS (operating systems) had appeared for my BB 8320. After doing some thorough reading and thinking, I decided to download and install this to my BB. I am very impressed with the new features such as video recording, voice note recording, and etc. all which were not available before. Now granted this is not the OFFICIAL release but, I will take this instead of waiting 6 more months. I already waited 8 months to get this close... I know good things come to those who wait but DANG!! I now have more features on my already customized BB 8320. Now, beware, you might see your face on YouTube courtesy of a BB 8320... So until next time....
I will try and post a video that I recorded from my phone...
I will try and post a video that I recorded from my phone...
BB 8320,
Blackberry Forums,
Friday, June 6, 2008
Site of The Day: The Boy Genius Report
So, do you wanna be in the know? Do you want to impress your friends when around the water cooler because you are "in the know" when it comes to the latest technology? Well, the site of the day will give you the inside track so that you can acheive all of that. The Boy Genius Report is a site that gives you all of the new rumors and info that comes to light. They always have reviews on the latest phones and technology that is coming out. They always seem to have the first reviews on newly released phones from companies such as Nokia, RIM, Samsung, and etc. This is one of the sites that I visit religously on a daily basis. So check them out... So until next time....
Click here for a link to The Boy Genius Report.
Click here for a link to The Boy Genius Report.
Boy Genius Report,
site of the day
Verizon and more Chad.
Well, during my usual trip on the information superhighway, I ran across some interesting news. Verizon has officially decided to purchase Alltel for about 28 billion dollars. This was rumored to be happening but I am guessing that the final touches will be put on this deal and you should start to see the transformation here pretty quickly. That leaves only three major wireless carriers to compete for the average consumer's business. Alltel had some pretty good plans going on such as My Circle, a replica of T-Mobile's MyFaves but larger, and they also had some pretty funny commercials featuring Chad and the Wizard. I guess the guy in the Verizon shirt got tired of riding in that van. Shout out to RIMarkable for the info... So until next time...
Click here to read the article on the buyout.
Click here to read the article on the buyout.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Gas and Bootlegs?? Is there a link?
Well, I was sitting here at my desk looking at, reading the rumors page as usual and I started thinking....because gas prices are so high, will that mean an increase in the productions of "bootlegs"? I'm not just talking about CDs but, I am talking about DVDs also. I mean the way gas prices are rising, people are really cutting back on the "luxuries" in life and this would include going to the mall and purchasing CDs and DVDs. If these people who previously purchased CDs for 13 or more dollars before the rise in gas prices, they might be tempted purchase a CD that they want for a lesser price. Now, I am not condoning purchasing bootlegs, I mean everyone has their opinion that and I choose not to dwell on that subject for this post but, this could be a legitamate question that some label execs might have to ask themselves one day. I know that your are thinking this is crazy to even assume this but, gas affects everything...look at food. Gas goes up, food goes up. it would be only natural progression for this to happen also in the entertainment industry. If gas prices keep rising and the economy stays the way it is now, that " 5 CDs for $20" wont be such a bad option...especially when that "New-New" comes out (shout-out to Lauren London...LOL.) Think about it. So until next time...
All Hip Hop,
gas prices,
New Spot in Orlando....well at least to me....
So last night, I went out with a couple of my friends to a fairly new restaurant (well, at least to me), Elephant Bar. It is located near the Mall of Millenia in Orlando, FL. I will have to say that I was thoroughly impressed with the overall look and feel of the place. It had a nice tropical rain forest feel to it and was pretty spacious so you dont feel like someone is eating behind your left ear, smacking and crap. We sat at the bar where Adrian, our bartender and friend, hooked us up. (If you live in Orlando, go holla at him on Wednesday night...tell McLean sent you.) The food was on point and served in a timely matter. The menu is real extravagant but, affordable. They have a extensive menu that has a Asian feel to it but, you still can get the chicken fingers and fries if you want. They have TVs located near the bar for the fellas looking for the latest highlights on Sportscenter. So in my impromptu review of the Elephant Bar Restaurant, I will give a 8 out of 10. So if you are in the area, check it out. Click here to browse their website to find a location near you. So until next time...
Elephant Bar,
Mall of Millenia,
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Site of the Day: Giveaway of the
Well, time for that daily or at least semi-daily post where I give you a website to check out. The site for today is Giveaway of the This site is geared to people who are looking to get software to convert videos to other formats. They also have other types of software that they giveaway for free. The catch is that you have to download and install the product in the given amount of time, hence the name. I downloaded Aplus Video Converter and I am currently checking it out. But so far, it works and allows me to put my favorite episodes of Family Guy on my BB Curve. So go check them out. Click here to go to the site and enjoy. So until next time...
P.S. If you read the blog, submit your comments for what you think I should say after "So until next time". If I like it, I will use...if I don't, I will still use it...hey, what can I say, it is an interactive blog!
P.S. If you read the blog, submit your comments for what you think I should say after "So until next time". If I like it, I will use...if I don't, I will still use it...hey, what can I say, it is an interactive blog!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Iphone Killer...who knows...
Well, being the BB (that's short for BlackBerry) aficianado that I am, I usually keep up to date with all things BlackBerry. Well, it seems that RIM, the company who makes BlackBerry, is in the wroks of making a touchscreen/slider phone. If this is true, then RIM (in my opinion) would have sucessfully established itself as the leader in smartphone technology. Now, I am not a fan of the slider type phone, I am a full QWERTY keyboard guy myself but, I would welcome with open arms this new device. RIM is now accepting the fact that their brand of phone is appealing to teh "average joe" as well as the business executive. There have been many rumors to different devices coming out of RIM. Here is a link to RIMarkable, a noted BB site for upcoming events. Click here for the article about the new BB slider touchscreen.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The Beautiful Mix...
So Today was a good day, all things went well for me this weekend. Reason for this post is to put the spotlight on an "oldie but a goodie" mixtape. "The Beautiful Mixtape Vol. I & II" by Talib Kweli is on point. I used to jam to this mixtape 24/7 when I was enlisted in the Navy. One song on there that I keep put on repeat is "Lonely People with Lotoiya Williams". When I first started listening to the song, I thought it was a callabo with Fantasia but I was wrong. The mix of the old Beatles tune with the infusion of the that addictive bass line is enough to have you nodding your head a couple of times. Check it out, you can find it on So until next time....
Friday, May 30, 2008
Site of the Day: File Hippo
So, the site of the day post will consist of a website that I believe is worth browsing. That site for today is This is for all of you computer geeks like myself that like free software that will help improve your computer performance, features, and etc. The best part about it is that it is FREE! I have downloaded a couple of programs such as Skype, a program that allows you to "call" other people's computers for free. Very useful if your away from loved ones and would like to see them. So check them out, you may find something useful.
Getting in the groove...
Well, two in one day. I had some time on my hands and I figured a little...LOL! I mean if this all it is to blogging....then I am all for it. I plan on posting a link on my MySpace (Yes, I still have one.) and My Facebook page. Speaking of Facebook, I had to get my "grown man on" and step my game up. I like Facebook actually a whole lot more than MySpace. I mean I am not gonna knock MySpace because it is different strokes for different folks...but it seems that Facebook is for people that are serious about networking, reuniting with lost friends, and building and restoring relationships. I am all for that. Well, when I get home, I plan on adding some pictures and some other things. I am going to try and make this a nice little blog that maybe one day, people will subscribe to. Well, until next time...
First One...
Hey, I am at work and I am doing my first blog here. I did some research and figured that...hey what the heck, I should try this. One of my good friends, David Oliver, has a blog and it is real informative so I figured I would do the same. My blog will include all different types of things based on the way I feel. I won't get to personal but, I will make it interesting. I will try to include videos and stuff of stuff I find interesting or amusing... Well, thanks for reading and until next time..
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