Well, being the righteous dude that I am (yeah, I said righteous, I am bringing it back!!!!), I decided that I would let you guys in on my new favorite program, Orb. Now, have you ever been somewhere and thought that you saved an important paper to your flash drive...only to find out that it didn't save to it? Have you been at a friend's house and you want to show them pics of your latest vacation but you don't have the camera with you? I know I have been in this situation quite a bit. Now there is software out there that will allow you to "remote access" to your computer from another one but that can get pretty expensive....well, fear not, my computer savvy friends, THERE IS ORB!!!!! Orb is a free remote access program that will allow you to access videos, pics, documents, and even webcams and live TV* from your personal PC from any PC, Internet-enabled PDA/Smart phone( in my case Blackberry), Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, etc! Now, I have tried this out for a couple of days now and I love it!!! I have already used it numerous amounts of times to help me at work and in my spare time...if I have any. It is a very easy to configure and learn program and it is great!!! In my opinion, this is probably the best program I have found online that is free EVER! So go to www.orb.com, check them out.
I know you appreciate the knowledge that I impart on you...so no need to thank me..LMAO!
*Dependant on if you have a TV tuner card.
**Your phone has to have the ability to stream media....read the website and they will tell you...