Friday, June 27, 2008
Good Luck, David! Wait a minute...No luck needed...
My good friend, David "The King" Oliver, will be competeting for a spot on the U.S. Olympic team next weekend in Eugene, Oregon at the U.S. Olympic Trials. He is a 110 m hurdler and he is the one in the header above (Look below for reason why header is there..) He has run three of the four fastest times in the world this year and looks like he is right on track to make the team. So check him out...the trials come on NBC next weekend. Good Luck.....wait a luck needed when you working with skill.... So until next time...
David Oliver,
Track and Field,
Alcohol and Rapping...can lose you your badge!
So I was reading on the World Wide Web...and I came across another article about Shaq and the infamous "rap". Since this tape has materialized...he has lost 2 law enforcement positions! All of that are interested in sports and watch Sportscenter know that Shaq is crazy about law crazy about it that he is a deputy in several cities...that was until the "rap". Now, I am gonna assume that Shaq was a little intoxicated when he grabbed the I can't blame him for that but he probably shouldn't have asked Kobe how his A$# taste. I mean, lyrically, he was alright....nice rhthym, no stuttering...but now it has cost two badges and possibly some more. When you are a celebrity, you got to be more concious about what you say and do now a days because you never know who has a camera or camera phone...waiting to make a quick buck. So now I guess celebrities will be more careful...wait a minute...they are celebrities...they dont care what I think... So until next time..
Still working....
Well, I was able to put the same header that I have above on D.O. page. Looks good.. and he gave me a shout out. I am still doing some things with the video...almost finished...just gotta upload it. So I should be back to posting here soon. People have requested headers also so I am going to look in to that. Hit me up if you are interested.... So until next time...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Just making a post to say that I have sucessfully moved my the created image to my header!!! Although this is not my header( I actually created this one for my friend, D.O.!) mine is soon to come. Now that this is accomplished, I can finally concentrate on the Mission 12.85 video. Please believe me it is coming...
Monday, June 23, 2008
Well...check it out..
Well, I have been absent from posting here but, I have been working on some things. If you look below, you can see the .gif image I created for my friend, David Oliver. I am also working on a video for him also. I will post it when I get a chance. I am still going to be posting things on here but until I finish that, it will be sparingly. I am going to be doing a site of the day for suggested by Emily Pugh so be on the lookut for that. Hey if you like the image below let me know...So until next time...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Blackberry Flips Out!!!
Hey, good people! I am back. I was on a cruise for a couple of days with the wife celebrating my anniversary. Had a good time with her and now I am back at work. So looking at the title, you would assume that I was going to rant about something that Blackberry has did wrong...not necessarily. RIM is in the works of releasing a flip phone...that's right a flip phone. According to, RIM is in the last stages of development of a flip phone. In essence, it is a Pearl with a bigger screen that flips. It looks good and has SureType technology, no full keyboard but the, trackball, and etc. This is going to be a winner because it will appeal to the average consumer who likes flip phones. I am assuming that it will use the same OS that all Blackberry loyalists are accustomed to. I am excited but, not for me...for my wife. She held onto her 7100t until it started to die. She told me she was interested in it and so maybe if it is out next year around this time...anniversary gift??? Man, I am good. :) Click HERE for a link to the actual article from So until next time...
Shoutout out to for all of the info. Check out thier website for all your BB needs.
Shoutout out to for all of the info. Check out thier website for all your BB needs.
flip phone,
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Site of the Day: YouMail
I heard about this site before but, never thought about using it. So let me give you the back story, I was receiving a lot of voicemail for solicitors and everything and contrary to popular belief, putting your name on that list does not guarantee that they will not call you. Another thing is that T-Mobile and most other service providers charge you anytime minutes to check your voicemail. (Bet you didn't know that...) Another facet of this problem was the new OS that I loaded to my phone. Because it wasn't the final release, one of the bugs with the T-Mobile OS is no voicemail icon when VM's are received. No big deal though but I would like when I am receiving VM from important people like the family, friends, and etc. Well, fast forward to today....The site of the day is YouMail. They way YouMail works is that they forward all of your voicemail to the specialized inbox. This gives you the ability to check your voicemail from anywhere, that includes a PC, a Blackberry, or any other type of PDA the capability to browse the Internet. If your phone has the ability to have email "pushed" to it, then you can receive emails that will let you know the name and number that called. Other features of YouMail are custom greetings for individuals, Ditchmail (a wonderful feature for people that you don't wanna leave a voicemail or better yet call you back...), and etc. The best thing about this is that the price is FREE!!! You cancel at anytime and signing up for this service does not mess with your regular voicemail so there are no worries about that. Here is the link to YouMail's website. So until next time....
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
100 Visitors....
Well, just wanted to write a quick post to say thank you for all of the visitors to my site. I will promise to add more interesting topics...So until next time...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
More proof that Apple = HYPE.

So, you wanna know the cut and dry of things when comparing the iPhone to the new Blackberry Bold? You wanna see who comes out on top? Look at this side by side comparison to RIM's Blackberry Bold vs. Apple 3G iPhone. Read and weep, iPhone lovers....your phone will never be as good as ours....just an iPod with the capability make a phone call or two.
Shout out to hayden from PinStack for making this comparison chart...
Is the end of Blackberry near? HECK NO!!!!
So I knew it was going to happen. Apple released the iPhone with 3G capability and a reduced price now everybody is saying that RIM is gonna to fall and keel over dead. I am thinking to myself....are YOU CRAZY!!! I mean granted the price reduction will cause a little more competition with Blackberry in the smart phone category but, I don't see it stopping Blackberry from continuing its reign as the dominant smart phone. To me the iPhone just doesn't do it, I mean no copy and paste function, NO VIDEO RECORDING, and a whole lot of hoopla..that I don't want to deal with. I mean it is a toy to me where as the Blackberry is a business tool that can be molded to your specific needs. I mean you can change themes, ring tones, load programs that increase your productivity, and so on and so forth. All RIM has to do is step up to the plate when it comes to OS production, and 3rd party software development, and other things...but by NO MEANS NECESSARY is RIM dead. DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE!!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
8320 with that video record!!! Finally!!!
So, like I do every day, I go to all of my websites on my list (my digital newspaper) and I was reading and noticed that some new OS (operating systems) had appeared for my BB 8320. After doing some thorough reading and thinking, I decided to download and install this to my BB. I am very impressed with the new features such as video recording, voice note recording, and etc. all which were not available before. Now granted this is not the OFFICIAL release but, I will take this instead of waiting 6 more months. I already waited 8 months to get this close... I know good things come to those who wait but DANG!! I now have more features on my already customized BB 8320. Now, beware, you might see your face on YouTube courtesy of a BB 8320... So until next time....
I will try and post a video that I recorded from my phone...
I will try and post a video that I recorded from my phone...
BB 8320,
Blackberry Forums,
Friday, June 6, 2008
Site of The Day: The Boy Genius Report
So, do you wanna be in the know? Do you want to impress your friends when around the water cooler because you are "in the know" when it comes to the latest technology? Well, the site of the day will give you the inside track so that you can acheive all of that. The Boy Genius Report is a site that gives you all of the new rumors and info that comes to light. They always have reviews on the latest phones and technology that is coming out. They always seem to have the first reviews on newly released phones from companies such as Nokia, RIM, Samsung, and etc. This is one of the sites that I visit religously on a daily basis. So check them out... So until next time....
Click here for a link to The Boy Genius Report.
Click here for a link to The Boy Genius Report.
Boy Genius Report,
site of the day
Verizon and more Chad.
Well, during my usual trip on the information superhighway, I ran across some interesting news. Verizon has officially decided to purchase Alltel for about 28 billion dollars. This was rumored to be happening but I am guessing that the final touches will be put on this deal and you should start to see the transformation here pretty quickly. That leaves only three major wireless carriers to compete for the average consumer's business. Alltel had some pretty good plans going on such as My Circle, a replica of T-Mobile's MyFaves but larger, and they also had some pretty funny commercials featuring Chad and the Wizard. I guess the guy in the Verizon shirt got tired of riding in that van. Shout out to RIMarkable for the info... So until next time...
Click here to read the article on the buyout.
Click here to read the article on the buyout.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Gas and Bootlegs?? Is there a link?
Well, I was sitting here at my desk looking at, reading the rumors page as usual and I started thinking....because gas prices are so high, will that mean an increase in the productions of "bootlegs"? I'm not just talking about CDs but, I am talking about DVDs also. I mean the way gas prices are rising, people are really cutting back on the "luxuries" in life and this would include going to the mall and purchasing CDs and DVDs. If these people who previously purchased CDs for 13 or more dollars before the rise in gas prices, they might be tempted purchase a CD that they want for a lesser price. Now, I am not condoning purchasing bootlegs, I mean everyone has their opinion that and I choose not to dwell on that subject for this post but, this could be a legitamate question that some label execs might have to ask themselves one day. I know that your are thinking this is crazy to even assume this but, gas affects everything...look at food. Gas goes up, food goes up. it would be only natural progression for this to happen also in the entertainment industry. If gas prices keep rising and the economy stays the way it is now, that " 5 CDs for $20" wont be such a bad option...especially when that "New-New" comes out (shout-out to Lauren London...LOL.) Think about it. So until next time...
All Hip Hop,
gas prices,
New Spot in Orlando....well at least to me....
So last night, I went out with a couple of my friends to a fairly new restaurant (well, at least to me), Elephant Bar. It is located near the Mall of Millenia in Orlando, FL. I will have to say that I was thoroughly impressed with the overall look and feel of the place. It had a nice tropical rain forest feel to it and was pretty spacious so you dont feel like someone is eating behind your left ear, smacking and crap. We sat at the bar where Adrian, our bartender and friend, hooked us up. (If you live in Orlando, go holla at him on Wednesday night...tell McLean sent you.) The food was on point and served in a timely matter. The menu is real extravagant but, affordable. They have a extensive menu that has a Asian feel to it but, you still can get the chicken fingers and fries if you want. They have TVs located near the bar for the fellas looking for the latest highlights on Sportscenter. So in my impromptu review of the Elephant Bar Restaurant, I will give a 8 out of 10. So if you are in the area, check it out. Click here to browse their website to find a location near you. So until next time...
Elephant Bar,
Mall of Millenia,
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Site of the Day: Giveaway of the
Well, time for that daily or at least semi-daily post where I give you a website to check out. The site for today is Giveaway of the This site is geared to people who are looking to get software to convert videos to other formats. They also have other types of software that they giveaway for free. The catch is that you have to download and install the product in the given amount of time, hence the name. I downloaded Aplus Video Converter and I am currently checking it out. But so far, it works and allows me to put my favorite episodes of Family Guy on my BB Curve. So go check them out. Click here to go to the site and enjoy. So until next time...
P.S. If you read the blog, submit your comments for what you think I should say after "So until next time". If I like it, I will use...if I don't, I will still use it...hey, what can I say, it is an interactive blog!
P.S. If you read the blog, submit your comments for what you think I should say after "So until next time". If I like it, I will use...if I don't, I will still use it...hey, what can I say, it is an interactive blog!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Iphone Killer...who knows...
Well, being the BB (that's short for BlackBerry) aficianado that I am, I usually keep up to date with all things BlackBerry. Well, it seems that RIM, the company who makes BlackBerry, is in the wroks of making a touchscreen/slider phone. If this is true, then RIM (in my opinion) would have sucessfully established itself as the leader in smartphone technology. Now, I am not a fan of the slider type phone, I am a full QWERTY keyboard guy myself but, I would welcome with open arms this new device. RIM is now accepting the fact that their brand of phone is appealing to teh "average joe" as well as the business executive. There have been many rumors to different devices coming out of RIM. Here is a link to RIMarkable, a noted BB site for upcoming events. Click here for the article about the new BB slider touchscreen.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The Beautiful Mix...
So Today was a good day, all things went well for me this weekend. Reason for this post is to put the spotlight on an "oldie but a goodie" mixtape. "The Beautiful Mixtape Vol. I & II" by Talib Kweli is on point. I used to jam to this mixtape 24/7 when I was enlisted in the Navy. One song on there that I keep put on repeat is "Lonely People with Lotoiya Williams". When I first started listening to the song, I thought it was a callabo with Fantasia but I was wrong. The mix of the old Beatles tune with the infusion of the that addictive bass line is enough to have you nodding your head a couple of times. Check it out, you can find it on So until next time....
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